ActiveWorkflow is an open source workflow automation project. The product belongs to the company Automatic Mode Lab and promises to effectively automate workflows without you having to leave your own tech stack.

Unlike many other emerging automation platforms, ActiveWorkflow is not a no-code platform, but still makes the automation process clear and understandable through an attractive user interface. With our agent, you can also easily send SMS with ActiveWorkflow. Integrating our voice function into your workflow with our voice agent is also possible.

Das Logo der ActiveWorkflow-Plattform
Send Voice messages and SMS with ActiveWorkflow

A new SMS agent in ActiveWorkflow, click to enlarge

Send voice messages and SMS with ActiveWorkflow

With our agents you can send both voice messages and SMS with ActiveWorkflow. For your SMS sending, almost all functions are available that you can also use regularly via our API. You can find an overview of the available functions of our SMS agent in our documentation.

With the voice agent you are able to compose text messages that are sent as a call and then read out to the recipients. Occasionally these messages are also called Text2Speech messages.

Sending SMS

  • Use comprehensive features for sending SMS with ActiveWorkflow. Optimize your dispatch with our Performance Tracking, sort your messages with the Label function and customize your dispatch individually. An overview of the possible settings can be found in the documentation linked below.

Sending Voice messages

  • Our Voice Agent for ActiveWorkflow allows you to send text messages that are delivered as a call. Our customers like to use this service for notifications, but also as an accessible alternative to SMS dispatch. Learn more about the details in the documentation linked below.

Need help installing or setting up the features?
Visit the respective GitHub page for more details.